Adam Hall 869301 Defender MIDI 5 2D R - System modułowy Midi 5 2D dla dostępności - Rampa

Adam Hall 869301 Defender MIDI 5 2D R - System modułowy Midi 5 2D dla dostępności - Rampa
  • Adam Hall 869301 Defender MIDI 5 2D R - System modułowy Midi 5 2D dla dostępności - Rampa
Producent:Adam Hall
Id towaru / Kod:223349 / AHALL-869301
Stan magazynu: Towar niedostępny
Inne oznaczenia produktu:Adam Hall 869301 Defender MIDI 5 2D R Midi 5 2D blue ramp - modular system for wheelchair and barrier free transition , Adam Hall 869301, 869301
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715 zł

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ul. Muzyczna 1
55-330 Błonie k. Wrocławia, gm. Miękinia

Sklep muzyczny czynny od poniedziałku do piątku w godz. 10-17 i w soboty w godz. 10-16.

gps 51.158576, 16.739311
(+51° 9' 30.87", +16° 44' 21.52")

Adam Hall 869301

Adam Hall 869301 Defender MIDI 5 2D R is a state-of-the-art modular ramp system designed for convenient accessibility. This system is perfect for event venues, public spaces, and other areas requiring quick and easy access. It is manufactured from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity.

The system's ramp provides smooth and secure access for individuals with mobility challenges, including wheelchair users and those with mobility aids. The modular design allows for easy installation and customization, enabling you to create a solution that meets your specific needs. The system is also easy to clean and maintain, making it ideal for high-traffic environments.

This MIDI 5 2D R system is a versatile ramp system that can be used indoors and outdoors. It is weather-resistant and can withstand harsh conditions, making it perfect for outdoor events or permanent installations. The system also features a non-slip surface, which helps prevent accidents and ensures safety for users.

Overall, the Adam Hall 869301 Defender MIDI 5 2D R system is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and convenient access solution. Its high-quality materials, modular design, and versatile capabilities make it a dependable and durable choice for both public and private environments.

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